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Old April 19th, 2004, 02:15 AM   #13
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Brampton
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Originally Posted by anabolic frolic
Enjoyed myself quite a bit last night as was witnessed by me having a good little stomp on stage .

Sometimes when I'm spinning I'll get a little jealous of the hulla ravers on the dancefloor just having a complete blast but it's the price I pay to put on these events for everyone. I started throwing them way back when because no one was putting on the kinds of parties I wanted to attend myself. Obviously Hulla has become a juggernaut attended by people from all over the world for it's unparalled atmosphere, but the parties don't just happen on their own and it's a lot of hard work for them to go off as they do. Just like the soup nazi, I suffer for my soup . But on the other side of things, I have the greatest job in the world as no words can describe being on the receiving end of so much love .

It's not just me of course, a lot of people contribute to the overall event. I want to thank everyone in the friendship crew once again for all their hard work putting the decorations together and setting up. After all the work you guys put in I'm always happy to see you having a ball after it's all come together . Of course all the talent that keep the party rocking from the doors opening till when the lights come on. My lovely wife and of course everyone in attendance who make the night what it is. It truly is a collaberative effort of everyone in the building that give Hulla it's magic.

So from me to everyone reading this, thank you .

*mrmagoo here*
Not to sound like a prick or anything, but do you just copy and paste that same message after every single hulla?
The artist formerly known as Race 2 Da Beat
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