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Old September 21st, 2004, 05:17 PM   #104
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Originally Posted by butrfly_god_s
I had so much fun at Drift on a Dream! The responses that I got for my costume were incredible and really made my night (I was the girl with the pink and white tube/predator hair). It's so much fun to dress up not just because you get to look different, but also because it is such an awesome way to meet everyone. This was my third Hulla, but the first time I dressed up. I have never met so many great people! Jen, you rock, such an awesome girl! Suzie, loved the nurse outfit! Tinkerbell(I don't even remember your real name) thanks for so many wonderful hugs! Noodle, hope to see you on LJ! I know I met so many more people, but as time wears on I lose more of my memory. It was still greet meeting everyone else!! The music was good, and I had a lot of fun dancing. I'm glad that Dougal came back, and had a really nice set as well. Chris' set really caught my ears though, but I was so exhausted by the time he came on. My body just can't handle parties like it use to. I had been up since 6 am that morning to go to work, blah. Unfortuantly, we left after Frolic's set since I was so tired, and had a long drive home Hopefully next time I will be more rested to go all night. Anyways, thanks for the memories kiddies, hope to do it again soon!

I lost the paper with your LJ name ;(
I'm still gunna take you to Mc.donalds playland next time I see you!!!

My lj is
jus leave a comment and I'll add u back!
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