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Old February 6th, 2005, 06:39 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by jeffinerkitty
This was my first hulla and i was extremely disappointed. i guess "rave" means something different in the states b/c hulla was nothing but a club that happened to have techno music. Everyone seemed to make a big hype out of it making it seem like it was going to be packed. Most of the clubs I go to in New York are more packed then hulla was. No wonder there are only going to be two left... by the way i am extremely pissed that I wasted 56 dollars and a bunch of gas money to get there...although i bet most of the people that went there would not understand b/c that probably got money from their mommies and daddies.

S'cuse me I'd like to say something to this..
*steps up on her soap box.*
Now, it seems to me that everyone is getting caught up on semantics here. Obviously a clubber from NY is going to think that HHC is techno. Most people who don't know anything about the scene think all electronic music is techno.
I personally enjoyed having the space to dance, thank you very much. Any more packed and it would have been uncomfortably warm with absolutely no room to dance. So there.
jeffinerkitty, I think you need to own up to the fact that you didn't bother to research the scene before you "spent all that money" to come to Hulla. Those of us who are part of it know what we're getting and we enjoy it. You expected a rave to be like a club. It's totally not. You can't blame the fact that you didn't have a good time on anyone but yourself.
Oh, and by the by, mudslinging is *very mature*. It's been my experiance that the majority of folks who attend Hulla actually have jobs of their own, and thus earn their party money. And if not, if their parents support them in their rave endeavors, all the more power to them. Some parents aren't as supportive, so if the kids wanna party, they gotta pay for themselves. Don't make the mistake of thinking you're the only financially independant one out there.

Of course, you could just be shit disturbing, which is entirely the case. Grow up already and take some responsibility for your actions.
*steps down*

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