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Old May 2nd, 2005, 05:15 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: St. Louis
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is it a rule for ravers to not have manners.....

Let me first say me and my boyfriend travel all the way from St. Louis MO because we think Hulla is great and the music is out of this world. You can not hear great sets like that in the States. As an amatuer I have enjoyed all 3 hullas but I had a few issues with the last one. First when Scott Brown came on everyone freaked out and formed a mosh pit on the floor pushing people out of the way very aggressively to get to the front. IF THE HULLA IS SOLD OUT IT IS GONNA BE CROWDED SO PUSHING IS GONNA GET YOU NO WHERE DEAL WITH IT! I saw a few girls get almost completely knocked down from people running around trying to get close seriously just enjoy the music I know Scott Brown was breaking it down hardcore but please you can enjoy the music and respect others if you cant make it to the front politely then stay where you are and Dance. Second I think Anabolic does a great job planning and putting the hullas together but for some reason I felt like the trance was not good and I could not dance like I should be dancing. The trance hour was terrible and it sounded like some kind of funk breakbeats. D-minus was great and overall the music was great but seriuosly as far as the mc's as well, I think "everybodys daddy" should read the dictionary to add some new words to his vocabulary, OH MY MY every two seconds is TERRIBLE, I think the blow up aliens dancing around would have been more entertaining! (and by the way you are not a pimp daddy and you need an arrogance check) Dont get me wrong I love hulla and the fun or we would not go through this much trouble to fly up for one day. Bring back Subsonic chronic and you will realize the difference, oh and by the way girls wash yourselves and use douche before comin and guys please use deodorant it is the stuff that goes under your arms that makes the rankness go away!!!!!
Your my angel, your the only sunshine in my life, feels like heaven when you take me in your arms...IN YOUR ARMS!
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